To store RTSP stream data on Ubuntu, you can use FFMPEG, a powerful command-line tool for video and audio processing. Here are the steps to store RTSP thread data using FFMPEG on Ubuntu:
- Install FFMPEG: Open a terminal window and run the following command to install FFMPEG:
arduinosudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Determine the RTSP URL: You will need to know the RTSP URL of the stream you want to capture. This may vary depending on the camera or source of the RTSP stream.
Use FFMPEG to capture the stream: Once you have the RTSP URL, you can use FFMPEG to capture the stream and save it to a file. The following command will capture the stream and save it to a file called
phpffmpeg -i rtsp://<username>:<password>@<ip_address>:<port>/<stream_path> -c copy -f mp4 output.mp4
Replace <username>
, <password>
, <ip_address>
, <port>
, and <stream_path>
with the appropriate values for your RTSP stream.
The -c copy
option tells FFMPEG to copy the video and audio streams without transcoding, which can save time and preserve the original quality. The -f mp4
option specifies the output format as MP4.
Monitor the capture process: FFMPEG will output information about the capture process to the terminal window. You can monitor this information to ensure that the capture is progressing as expected.
Stop the capture: To stop the capture process, press
in the terminal window where FFMPEG is running.
Once the capture is complete, you can find the output file (output.mp4
) in the directory where you ran the FFMPEG command. You can also customize the command to suit your specific needs, such as changing the output format or bitrate. FFMPEG offers many options and features, so be sure to consult the documentation for more information.